warga KUNTA

Jumaat, 16 September 2016

Booking confirmation

Hi there silat.kunta.warisan, it's Muriel. I booked the ticket for you yesterday.
See the attachment to confirm the booking.

King regards,

Muriel Smith

Rabu, 7 September 2016

Suspected Purchases

Dear silat.kunta.warisan,

We have suspected irregular purchases from the company's account.
Please take a look at the attached account balance to see the purchase history.

Best Regards,
Jayne Leonard
Support Manager

Isnin, 5 September 2016

Credit card receipt

Dear silat.kunta.warisan,

We are sending you the credit card receipt from yesterday. Please match the card number and amount.

Sincerely yours,
Doug Barnes
Account manager

Khamis, 1 September 2016

flight tickets

Good evening silat.kunta.warisan.

I am sending you the flight tickets for your business conference abroad next month.
Please see the attached and note the date and time.

Julia Padilla