warga KUNTA

Sabtu, 27 Ogos 2016

monthly report

Good evening silat.kunta.warisan,

There were some errors in the monthly report you submitted last week.
See the highlights in the attachment and please fix as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Bradford Pacheco
Account Manager (56aec2e16137df729cb735c40e1cdafddb43b289d346bd6010d91e658f4cb6bb461b)

Khamis, 25 Ogos 2016



Please sign the attached contract with our technical service company for 2016 � 2017.
We would appreciate your quick response.

King regards,
Rosemarie Burnett

(Digital-Signature: 80f310073f2dcdb81acdc32a2c5208839999802f31bc2b260e6f2c4b2d0264c1843b)

Jumaat, 5 Ogos 2016

Budget Reports

Hey silat.kunta.warisan

I attached the annual budget reports that you asked me to send to you.

Best regards,
Mae Cunningham

Selasa, 2 Ogos 2016

Paid bills

Hello silat.kunta.warisan,


Please see the attached last month’s paid bills for the company


Best regards
Kristi Rivas